The hyperfine structure parameters and electric quadrupole moment of the 201Hg mercury isotope the Mn atom are estimated within the relativistic many-body perturbation theory formalism with a correct and effective taking into account the exchange-correlation, relativistic, nuclear and radiative corrections. Analysis of the data shows that an account of the interelectron correlation effects is crucial in the calculation of the hyperfine structure parameters. The fundamental reason of physically reasonable agreement between theory and experiment is connected with the correct taking into account the inter-electron correlation effects, nuclear (due to the finite size of a nucleus), relativistic and radiative corrections. The key difference between the results of the relativistic Hartree-Fock Dirac-Fock and many-body perturbation theory methods calculations is explained by using the different schemes of taking into account the inter-electron correlations as well as nuclear and radiative ones.Посилання
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