https://doi.org/10.18524/0235-2435.2019.28.195373Ключові слова:
diatomic molecules, Green’s functions, density functionalАнотація
It is presented an advanced approach to computing the spectroscopic factors of the diatomic molecules, which is based on the hybrid combined density functional theory (DFT) and the Green’s-functions (GF) approach. The Fermi-liquid quasiparticle version of the density functional theory is modified and used. The density of states, which describe the vibrational structure in photoelectron spectra, is defined with the use of combined DFT-GF approach and is well approximated by using only the first order coupling constants in the optimized one-quasiparticle approximation. Using the combined DFT-GF approach to computing the spectroscopic factors of diatomic molecules leads to significant simplification of the calculation procedure and increasing an accuracy of theoretical prediction.Посилання
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